DESCRIPTION : *** Local Caption *** Three events in Perche sarthoisThe little Sainte-Anne chapel in the Vibraye forest. TITLE: Your best photosCAPTION: The Saint-Anne chapel in Vibraye. Archives Le Maine Libre *** Local Caption *** Three events in Perche sarthoisThe little Sainte-Anne chapel in the Vibraye forest.|
Vibraye At the edge of the forest
Explore the forest on foot and mountain bike
Now silent once more, the only evidence of the forest’s past activity is the network of paths you’ll discover on your walk!
Today, 300 hectares of the forest are classified Natura 2000.
Other tours
Sainte-Anne Chapel
Located on the edge of the forest, on the border between the Christianized world and the forbidding world of the forest, legend has it that the chapel was built to house a statue of Saint Anne discovered in the forest and miraculously too heavy to be transported to the parish church.
Dating back to the 17th c., the construction uses local materials: flint rubble for the walls, shingles for the roof, and a turned-wood clerestory to allow the statue to be seen during processions.

Discover Vibraye
After your walk in the forest, take the opportunity to discover Vibraye: the Saint-Jean Baptiste church, shopkeepers and the Friday market, the municipal campsite and the Quai des Arts, fishing and cycling circuits…
Located on Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, the tourist office is open Tuesday mornings, Wednesdays and Fridays all day, and Thursday and Saturday afternoons.

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